CAN THE LEFT END ITS VIOLENCE? Richard Pollock, who has been chronicling the roots of the Pro-Palestinian protests and violence in the teachings of Saul Alinsky, sees no end to the protests, demonstrations and attacks:

“For the hard Left, violence has been part of their political religion. I know, as I once was a hard Left activist as I was a roommate with Chicago 8 defendant Rennie Davis. I personally became friends with Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and hard-left lawyer Bill Kuntsler. I understand that political violence is part of the Left’s DNA. Over time, I moved toward a more conservative outlook.

“Of course, Left-wing political violence has been on display in America ever since Big Bill Haywood’s Industrial Workers of the World, known as the Wobblies, sparked strikes and riots throughout the United States early in the Twentieth Century.”

And there is much more in Pollock’s latest column on Substack, penned in the aftermath of the failed assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump. If you aren’t subscribing to Pollock, you are missing one of the most unique and insightful analysts on the Right.