LOL: Dems, Media Begin Captain Louis Renault Award Contest Over Declinin’ Biden.

Related: A Short History of the Coverup. “I have been pounding the drum on what I think is the most important thing to focus on right now, and it’s not the decline of the president. Everybody knows that, can see it, and it is baked into the cake. What conservatives need to do is open everybody’s eyes to the real villains in this story, and that is the mainstream media.”


UPDATE: A friend writes:

Big boy. What are these people thinking?

OK, let me rephrase that. Big boy. What are these people…

No, that’s all I got.

Are they out of their fucking minds?

Imagine the flaming media cyclone if Trump ever billed anything “big boy.”

Like, before you get to how drool-cup/bring out your dead that looks to actual Americans?

“Are they out of their fucking minds?” was rhetorical, btw.

Woke politics makes you stupid.