NOT YOUR DADDY’S LABOR UNION ANYMORE: A congressional subcommittee heard from witnesses today about the explosion of anti-semitism in labor unions, especially those on campus like the MIT Graduate Student Union (GSU), as well as representing government workers, medical personnel and teachers.

National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorney Glen Taubman told the subcommittee his phone has been “ringing off the wall” since the October 7 attack by Hamas in Israel. The calls are coming from Jewish members of unions that are openly supporting Hamas and calling for the destruction of Israel.

“They are attacked in their workplace and that is the reality I am seeing. And unfortunately, I cannot say to all these people ‘exercise your constitutional  right to get out’ because under the National Labor Relations Act they cannot get out, they are forced to be part of a bargaining unit and forced to pay dues to a union or be fired,” Taubman said.