MORE ON CNN AND THAT FAKE GAZA VIDEO: “Now, more 12 hours later, even the empty video page is gone. Now, the link takes you to a text-only story with no evidence that a video ever existed. So, the video was questionable enough that it had to be removed, but the story supporting the fradulent video stays? That’s not bad journalism, that’s out and out propaganda.”
UPDATE: David Bernstein writes:
I watched the video yesterday, and the guy who was allegedly filming his brother’s death made an absurd claim along the lines of “my cousin and brother were playing on the roof, and Israel sent a drone with a special, small missile just for them” (assumedly to explain why the building wasn’t demolished by the missile. So, the claim is not just that Israel purposely targeted children, but that it keeps a special reserve of tiny missiles just for that task. Anyone with an IQ of three could have seen that the whole story was bogus…
Or at least been suspicious. But repeating anti-Israel lies verbatim has become standard “journalistic” procedure.