A GOOD TACTIC IS ONE YOUR PEOPLE ENJOY: The Right Finally Figured Out A Winning Narrative Against Biden.

For the first time in recent memory, conservatives have triumphed over the left’s control of mainstream thought. It’s a testament to their collective strength that hardly a person in America would deny the influence of pharmaceuticals on Biden’s behavior. While progressives may dominate the media and social media, conservatives have consistently proven their ability to reshape the narrative.

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This narrative has gained traction because it’s not a far stretch of the imagination to believe that Biden’s doctors have a drug cocktail they administer before he’s set to go out in public. His speeches often start with a high energy level, with him practically yelling at the crowd. As the speech progresses, he gradually lowers his voice, culminating in his signature smile and whisper routine before exiting the stage in the wrong direction.

Before the debate on June 27th, Biden’s handlers may want to dial things back a bit from whatever was in the adrenochrome cocktail they gave him before his State of the Union speech.

Or as Jim Geraghty wrote afterwards in March, “President Steroids Shouts His Way through the State of the Union:”  “Taken as a whole, Biden’s speech started to sound like Howard Beale’s monologue from Network. But keep in mind, the number of Americans who watched the whole speech, beginning to end, is considerably smaller than the number who will see brief excerpts on the television news, or YouTube, or other social media. By shouting through almost the entire speech, Biden maximized the odds that any clip or segment that went viral would have him looking fired up and impassioned rather than like the sleepy, whispery, mumbling octogenarian that Americans have soured on so thoroughly.”

(Classical reference in headline.)