MICHAEL WALSH: In Europe, A Cheer Moment.

Back in the days when real writers instead of gay teenage-girl ideologues wrote motion-picture scripts, and were concerned not only with plot but theme and character development and the three-act form and finding an emotionally and artistically satisfying ending to a memorable film, they often used to include something called the “cheer moment.” After enduring humiliation after humiliation, insult upon insult, and abuse after abuse, the long-suffering protagonist finally turns on his or her tormentors and gives them what they’ve been asking for all along. Here’s one now. . . .

All of this and more happened across Europe yesterday as voters went to the polls and delivered a well-deserved and long-overdue thrashing of the malignant Left in voting for the European Parliament. In France, Germany, and Italy, the heart of the E.U., patriotic parties — contemptuously referred to by the international state media as “far right” — made significant gains against their institutional opposition, rattling bien-pensant sensibilities and demolishing the various neo-communist “Green” parties everywhere. Savor it.

More like this please.