IF TRUE, NO WONDER THE FBI AND NASHVILLE AUTHORITIES HAVE BEEN SUPPRESSING HER MANIFESTO: Covenant Killer Audrey Hale Wrote Three Pages in Journal About ‘My Imaginary Penis.’

Covenant School killer Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a biological female who identified as a transgender male at the time of her March 27, 2023 attack, wrote a three-page journal entry titled “My Imaginary Penis” that was included in the writings recovered from her vehicle.

The Tennessee Star confirmed on Wednesday it obtained nearly four dozen pages of Hale’s writings from a source familiar with the Covenant investigation, including the March 11, 2023 entry discussing her desire to have a male anatomy.

Hale’s diary or journal entry begins with the title “My Imaginary Penis” and includes a crude drawing.

“My penis exists in my head. I swear to god I’m a male,” wrote Hale in the diary or journal recovered by police. She then wrote about her desire to have a penis for the purpose of heterosexual sex with a woman.

While the entry is sexually explicit in nature, Hale also wrote about her experience using the name Aiden, which she began using during her transition. Hale explained that using the name on a job application for a delivery position resulted in issues with the company’s background check.

She also described being raised a girl as “torture.” She claimed she feared “being called a dyke or a f*****” during high school before feeling liberated in college and eventually learning about transgenderism in her early 20s.

We covered earlier excerpts from Hale’s manifesto back in November. Will the whole thing ever actually be released by the authorities?