THE OLD GRAY LADY IN DISTRESS: “To be clear, I am referring to the New York Times.” “When Jodi Kantor of the New York Times published her story about the Alitos’ flag flap from 2021, I wondered why it took more than three years for the story to surface. Turns out a reputable journalist, Bob Barnes of the Washington Post, investigated the issue at the time, and realized there was no story there. And Barnes was right. . . . Why did the Post have enough sense sit on the story in 2021, but the Times ran it in 2024? I think the Times had a serious lapse in judgment. Indeed, there was wall-to-wall coverage about a non-story. Here Kantor was so, so eager to make a story happen that she stitched together random tweets and social media posts about the upside down flag, in order to disregard the most likely and natural meaning of Mrs. Alito’s acts. To this day, I’ve not seen a single conservative who had any idea that the upside down flag had anything to do with ‘Stop the Steal.’ Even Ann Coulter had no clue!”

Plus: “There is no story here. There never was a story here. How much time have we all wasted on this non-story.”

The point isn’t whether there’s a story here, the point is to convince low information voters that there’s so much smoke there must be a fire somewhere, when it’s really just the Democratic Party’s disinformation apparatus — that is to say, the New York Times — operating a smudge-pot. This is all in service of delegitimizing the Supreme Court so that Democratic policy initiatives won’t be constrained by the Constitution.