“PUBLIC HEALTH” IS A CULTURE OF LIES AND CORRUPTION: Britain covered up tainted blood scandal that killed thousands, report finds. “The British government ‘did not put patient safety first’ while covering up a multi-decade tainted blood scandal, leading to thousands of related deaths, a report published Monday found. Britain’s National Health Service allowed blood tainted with HIV and Hepatitis to be used on patients without their knowledge, leading to 3,000 deaths and more than 30,000 infections, according to the 2,527-page final report by Justice Brian Justice Langstaff, a former judge on the High Court of England and Wales. . . . The report blames multiple administrations over the time period for knowingly exposing victims to unacceptable risks.”

The Red Cross has had similar scandals here, of course. Then of course there was the Tuskegee scandal, a multidecade public health atrocity marked by lies and corruption.