A FORMER SAUL ALINSKI TRAINER EXPOSES THE PRO-PALESTINIAN ‘PROTESTS:’ Richard Pollock knew most of the luminaries leading the 1960s radicals, being a roommate of Chicago 7 defendant Rennie Davis, and an expert trainer of New Left agitators using Saul Alinski’s “Rules for Radicals.” Pollock is launching a new Substack column today that includes this observation:

“In 1971, as a member of the May Day Collective, I was asked to be the author of the ‘May Day Manual,’ an instruction book about how to close down the nation’s capital during a particularly aggressive period of anti-war protests.

“The May Day demonstrators boldly stated, ‘If the government won’t end the war, we’ll end the government.’ Protestors flooded DC’s streets in acts of civil disobedience. Interestingly, Democrats never called it an insurrection. I myself was arrested on the Capitol Building steps with about 700 other protesters.

“As Rennie was my roommate, I quickly met a ton of anti-war leaders, including Chicago 7 co-defendants Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Dave Dellinger, and the notorious radical lawyer Bill Kuntsler.

“Later, as a direct action civil disobedience instructor at the Republican National Convention in Miami, I taught demonstrators how to launch disruptive demonstrations. I was arrested and shared a prison cell with Allen Ginsberg.”

In other words, Pollock knows the Left like few others. With his new Substack column, he is analyzing the Alinski-inspired tactics and strategies underlying the Pro-Palestinian protests and violence that have erupted across the nation’s campuses this Spring. Pollock is providing an invaluable public resource with his analyses and it will be interesting to see who in official Washington pays attention.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I may be a bit biased since I’ve known and respected Pollock for years. He worked for me as a tremendously talented investigative reporter at the Washington Examiner and Daily Caller News Foundation. Among many other achievements, he was the first Right media journalist to expose the deep and malignant influence of far-Left Swiss billionaire Hans Wyss.