RFK’S FOUR ‘EXISTENTIAL ISSUES:’ Robert Kennedy Jr. sits down with Epoch TV’s Jan Jekielek to discuss the four “existential issues” facing America that Kennedy claims both Biden and Trump are ignoring. Issue one, for instance, is the national debt:

According to RFK Jr., “our country is facing a series of existential issues and neither of them even has an opinion on them, and neither of them can do anything about them.

One of those is the debt. We have a $34 trillion debt. We’ve added a trillion dollars in the last hundred days and it’s growing exponentially.

“The cost of servicing that debt now exceeds our defense budget. Within five years, the cost of servicing this debt will be 50 cents out of every dollar that the federal government collects in taxes.

“Within 10 years, it will be 100 percent, so this is existential for our country. It means defaulting on the debt or taking some other radical course that will be devastating to the middle class, to private ownership, and to everything that we believe in.

“Yet, President Trump and President Biden have no capacity to deal with this issue. Why is that, and why do they never discuss it? Because those presidents ran up a bigger portion of that debt than any other presidents in history.”

I don’t agree with everything RFK Jr. says, but there are more than a few folks who think he’s absolutely right that the debt issue can no longer be ignored, it must be addressed and the American people have a right to know how anybody who claims to be qualified for the Oval Office will deal with it.