IT’S ILLEGAL TO CAMP OVERNIGHT (BETWEEN 10 PM AND 7 AM) ON PUBLIC PROPERTY IN TENNESSEE: Police arrive to Tennessee College of Law lawn, protestors in support of Palestine disperse.

Demonstrators gathered in front of the Tennessee College of Law were told to disperse within 15 minutes or they would be arrested by the UT Police Department at 12:10 a.m. on Thursday morning. Shortly after at approximately 12:52 a.m, police donning riot gear showed up from both UTPD and the Knox County Sheriff’s Office.

Those who refused to leave were threatened with felony charges. A majority of the chancellor’s cabinet was on site for the announcement, which was given by an organizer to approximately 70 students and community members.

UT administration requested that the organizers of the event make a public call to disperse during a conversation. Administration was telling students they were violating laws and Tennessee code TCA 39-14-414.

TCA 39-14-414 provides: “It is an offense for a person to engage in camping on property owned by the state knowing that the area on which the camping occurs is not specifically designated for use as a camping area by the department or agency responsible for the land.” Full statute here.

I drove by the site the other day and took some pics but didn’t think they were interesting enough to post. Here they are:

Note the “Jewiciders,” as Pam Geller calls them, handing out food.

And yes, I think the Tennessee statute is a legitimate time, place, and manner restriction.