CALIFORNIA KILLING FAST FOODS: That $20-per-hour minimum wage for fast-food outlets in California is rapidly wreaking havoc on an industry already suffering due to inflation, over-regulation and social disintegration, according to Issues & Insights:

“The $20-an-hour wage floor foisted on California’s fast-food restaurants, dubbed with the innocent-sounding moniker Assembly Bill 257, was signed into law last fall. It didn’t take long to become a disaster…

“Those who are losing their jobs in this new higher-wage environment are those most easily replaced, with the lowest productivity — which usually means minority youths with minimal education and little or no work skills. In short, the most vulnerable among us…

“Because of escalating costs, many restaurants are also adding ‘ordering kiosks,’ basically firing workers and replacing them with user-friendly computer terminals. And, to repeat, this was even before the law went into effect. In the coming weeks and months, expect more job devastation, business closures and sharply higher prices paid by consumers.”