ELON MUSK vs. the Globalist Censors. “Australia’s top thoughtcop – let’s call a spade a spade – is one Julie Inman Grant. She has the power under the Online Safety Act 2021 to demand the removal of ‘Class 1 material’ from the internet. That’s anything that depicts ‘revolting or abhorrent phenomena [that] offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety’. The vast bulk of what gets wiped off the web is child porn. Sometimes clips of violence are culled, too. Right now, Ms Inman Grant is seeking to excise a video of a stabbing. But here’s the twist: she doesn’t only want to block Aussie eyes from seeing it, but everyone’s eyes. Everyone in the world. All of us. Tyrant much?”

Australia is basically reverting to its prison origins.