HOW’S THAT WHOLE “EMERGING DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY” THEORY WORKING OUT FOR YA? Chinese-Americans Are Pushing San Francisco Toward the Political Center: Many are turning against the left over issues like anti-Asian crime and education policy. “Members of the Chinese community, who make up one-fifth of this city of 810,000 and a slightly smaller percentage of registered voters, say they have been particularly incensed by incidents of anti-Asian violence, school policies they believe have emphasized equity over merit, and street homelessness. Many are also upset that property crime has long been higher in San Francisco than most other major cities, though it has dropped this year. Chinese-Americans were among the most emphatic backers of ballot measures passed last month mandating drug screening for public welfare recipients and expanding police powers, as well as the 2022 recall of the three school board members and the district attorney, Chesa Boudin.”

When the Democrats were talking about helping the working class and promoting education, the theory had some basis. Now that the party has been taken over by the woke wing — which basically favors the forced enshittification of every aspect of American life — it’s not selling as well. Turns out, people who came here for a better life don’t much want things made worse.