WELL, GOOD: Aspiring Maryland Trans Shooter Thwarted.

Andrea Ye was clearly a fan of Audrey Hale and referenced her in her writings. She had been researching instructions for bombmaking and fantasized about murdering elementary school students because she “might get tackled” if she shot up a high school. This sounds like a textbook definition of a monster if I’ve ever heard one.

Plenty of outlets picked up the news of the arrest, but there was one curious commonality among many of them. The majority of headlines I came across completely failed to mention the fact that she was trans. The BBC only described the aspiring shooter as a “teen.” The Independent similarly went with “teenager.” WTOP News in Washington described Ye as a “Montgomery County Student.” WHIO News in Ohio went with “Maryland Teen.”

Back in Montgomery County, officials didn’t seem to want to talk about the suspect’s trans identity either. Watch as County Executive Marc Elrich explodes when being asked why the trans angle is being covered up and why he is “burying the lede.”

They’re devoted to the narrative, under which only white males and conservatives can be demonized based on their identity.