HOW WILL SCHUMER SAVE MAYORKAS? Senate rules are quite specific and detailed about what the Senate must do when the House of Representatives sends impeachment counts to the upper chamber. That will happen a week from today when 11 House Managers present to the Senate two impeachment counts against Homeland Security Secretary Alexander Mayorkas.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will convene the Senate at 1:00 pm the following day and a trial leading to a vote on whether to convict Mayorkas will ensure. But that’s probably the last thing the New York Democrat wants to happen, and the rules don’t provide much in the way of alternatives that would not be damaging to his party’s efforts to keep control of the Senate in November.

But, as I report exclusively today on The Epoch Times, there may yet be options available to Schumer, including simply thumbing his nose at the rules, sending the impeachment counts to die in a committee, or a tabling move that the Democratic majority almost certainly will back.