IT WILL BE IF YOU VOTE FOR THEIR TICKET: It’s a death trap, it’s a suicide rap. “Inside the hall, the three presidents sat in matching white armchairs and took the stage to strains of ‘Born to Run’ by Bruce Springsteen, the unofficial bard of the Democratic Party. . . . Three Presidents were sitting in white armchairs before people who’d paid up to $500,000 apiece to sit in the audience in the most beautiful theater in the country. The comments over there are mostly about the fourth President. That guy, Mr. Trump, steals focus from everything. Also stealing attention were the protesters at the 3-Presidents event. They were shouting ‘blood on your hands’ Obama chided them: ‘You can’t just talk and not listen. That’s what the other side does.’ Seems to me protesters on Obama’s side have interrupted more speeches than those on the other side.”

Today’s Democratic Party machinery is getting the treatment from the Woke Left that it last got from the New Left in 1968. And as always, the talk of “blood on your hands” comes from the people with bloody-handed fantasies.