KARL ROVE’S SECRET WEAPON: C.J. Burch emails: “This is probably why Karl Rove is up beat. Every time the Republicans are in trouble a Democratic mouth breather steps forward to save them. It’s feaking uncanny. And it’s not helping the Republic, though it is a big favor to the Republicans.”

It was Burch who wrote a while back that: “I grow more and more convinced the Republican majority will end itself by 2006 if the Left will just shut up for five minutes.” That may be what decides the elections.

UPDATE: TigerHawk notes an upside: Murtha is disagreeing with The Lancet: ” I wonder if any reporter will ask Murtha whether he supports the findings of The Lancet studies? I’m not really holding my breath, but the political consequences of his answer would certainly be interesting.”

Plus this: “Murtha is obviously running for Majority Leader when Pelosi moves up to Speaker, but he’s also reinforcing Bush’s points about the Democrats’ being unserious about terrorism.”

MORE: Tom Elia notes that Nancy Pelosi is smart enough to take C.J. Burch’s advice.