MAIMON SCHWARZSCHILD VISITS FRIDA KAHLO’S HOUSE and is appalled to find it lovely:
Say what you will about Kahlo’s art – it has always seemed self-dramatising kitsch to me – she had a lovely house. It’s disconcerting to realise that you have tastes (in surroundings, if not in art) in common with a devotee of political barbarism.
The fashion shoot pleased me, on the other hand. There’s something oddly reassuring about Kahlo’s radical chic transformed into pure unadulterated commercial chic.
Will Trotsky be next? His house is around the corner from Kahlo’s. He appears to have had a brief affair with Kahlo. That would have been before Kahlo’s hero in the Kremlin had Trotsky murdered with the icepick.
I think Trotsky’s house would be an excellent site for a fashion shoot.