GAY PATRIOT says that Democrats are descending into “sexual McCarthyism” in the wake of Foleygate, circulating lists of Republican Hill staffers who are presumed to be gay. “I am not surprised that this is where we are headed. But my question is…. why have our national gay organizations (HRC, Log Cabin, NGLTF) not stepped in to stop this witchhunt which originated on the Gay Left in the first place? I think we know the answer.”

UPDATE: Eric Scheie writes on when “outing” isn’t enough. “Who’d have ever expected to see gays and antigays rejoicing together?”

I guess it’s more of that strange-bedfellows stuff.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Not FoleyGate, MasturGate: “This may well be the reverse Monica of the new century; the first time that a remote hand-job has had a hand, so to speak, in bringing down a government. . . . Coming from a party that is first and foremost about advancing gay and lesbian rights on all fronts, it seems especially shameful that — to settle all their old scores and gripes and grievances — they are going willing to sacrifice the lives, careers and reputations of their fellow Americans.”

MORE: It boils down to “Where were the Republican Taliban when we needed them?”