I’ve been saying something for years that is especially true for the 2024 election: you’re voting for a president, not a prom date. This isn’t a long-running episode of “The Bachelor” that’s supposed to end with a love story.

A vote for Joe Biden or whichever commie ends up on the ballot in November is a vote for the imminent demise of the United States. That’s not hyperbole. This country is reeling from just three years of the Joe Biden fiasco, and he hasn’t even had much of a Congress to work with. The cabal running his brain is a wrecking ball. The United States as we know it will not survive until 2028 with the Democrats in control of the White House. It may still be called the United States of America, but it’s not going to be the same country.

There is no “principled” reason for any Republican to vote for anyone other than Trump or any other Republican who might replace him should the Democrats’ pre-election rigging work. Sitting this election out because of delicate feelings or a misbegotten sense of honor would be unconscionable.
