My ex wife worked for a while as a foster care worker which means she was a CPS investigator. She told the story of how ‘CPS had broken the Appalachian incest culture’ by ‘taking endangered children out of homes.’

It was known for decades that the Appalachian culture was inbreeding because of all the birth defects that were in the culture that turned out to be… bad nutrition. (Which was why, BTW, the DOD introduced the School Lunch Program back in the late 1940s. To cut down the rate of 4F from childhood nutrition deficiencies.)

Now, with DNA, we can peer into the past of the Appalachian culture and show that those toothless (from poor nutrition) rednecks were…

Not actually sleeping with their daughters. The DNA shows no higher rate of actual incest in traditional Appalachian culture than in the general background of the US.

I won’t mention where the highest is found. Take a guess.

We have hundreds of years of false mythology about what certain cultures are ‘like.’ Things that we know are the way and the truth and the light.

And how many of them are so much bullshit?

CPS broke a lot of homes, though, and got to feel better about themselves.