THE WEBB/ALLEN DEBATE: Dean Barnett says it was a major win for Webb: “For conservatives wishing for Allen to retain his seat, their best hope is that Virginians were otherwise occupied this morning or that the state’s NBC outlets were having technical difficulties.”

The Allen Campaign liveblogged the debate, and says that Webb was routed. “Jim Webb was simply out of his league — he’s not up to the complex array of issues facing Virginia, so he’s piggy-backing on the Kennedy/Kerry wing of the Democratic party.”

I link, you decide.

UPDATE: Tom Bell emails to note that the futures market seems largely unmoved, with a modest uptick in Webb’s position but nothing dramatic. You mean TV events don’t decide elections? That’s a rout for the pundit class, anyway. . . .

ANOTHER UPDATE: Yet another take on the debate, from Decision ’08.

And Slate’s John Dickerson weighs in.