PLAME UPDATE: Ed Morrissey writes:

The Times scolds Fitzgerald for his lack of response, but they still have not taken responsibility for their own role in this witch hunt. These men and women led the public charge for the investigation to be wrested from the DoJ and assigned to a special prosecutor accountable to no one except a panel of judges, also accountable to no one but themselves. They reversed their own stand on special prosecutors taken during the Clinton administration and demanded this appointment, and they made sure enough Democratic politicians spoke up to get it. Now that the case has utterly collapsed, the Gray Lady acts like a prim schoolmarm, wagging her finger at little Patrick for mischief she thoroughly endorsed.

I confess that it’s kind of fun to watch, though. “Fitzmas” is looking more and more like the wait for The Great Pumpkin. Which I guess is why Tom Maguire can’t finish his list for laughing too hard.