HOMELESSNESS IS MOSTLY A CALIFORNIA PROBLEM: Raw data: Homelessness is down everywhere except California. “I didn’t realize this until I saw it this morning, but if you exclude California homelessness has been steadily declining in the US since 2007. It’s down by a quarter over the past 15 years.”
The record level of US Homelessness is really a record California (and NY) level alone. If you remove just CA the national change is 37,000 fewer unhoused people since 2007.
Of the top 10 areas that saw the highest increase in homelessness, California areas take 7 of them. pic.twitter.com/LdxtdLcXNE— Darrell Owens (@IDoTheThinking) December 19, 2023
Hey, if Gavin Newsom manages to become president, it will be an everywhere problem.