HYPOCRISY, THY NAME IS …: Chuck Ross of the Washington Free Beacon did some digging in USASpending.gov and found more than half a million tax dollars going to MENAACTION, a Virginia-based non-profit that specializes in training Jordanian journalists in recognizing “disinformation,” especially when it allegedly concerns Israel.

“It’s a topic that MENAACTION’s founders know all about. Cofounder Chris Aboukhaled pushed Hamas’s claim that Israel bombed Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. The rocket that struck the hospital was actually fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, another terrorist group in Gaza.

“MENAACTION’s other cofounder, Mohammed Abu Dalhoum, who also suggested that Israel was behind the bombing, claimed Israel’s military response to Hamas ‘isn’t self-defense’ and accused Israel of ‘genocide.’ Experts agree that Israel’s targeted retaliatory strikes against Hamas do not constitute genocide,” Ross reports.

Surprised? Well, actually we should not be, considering that the rabidly anti-Semitic Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was appointed by Biden to his administration’s “national strategy to counter anti-Semitic.” Maybe CAIR is just there to help the other council members recognize anti-Semitism when they see it.