GETTING TOUGH: States Warn AP About Helping Hamas.

WQCS-FM, an NPR affiliate, reported, “Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody and a coalition of attorneys general have issued issued a warning to media companies with possible ties to foreign terrorist organizations.

“Attorney General Moody and the coalition sent a letter reminding the publisher of the New York Times, the CEO of the Associated Press, the CEO and editor-in-chief of CNN and the president of Reuters that providing material support to terrorists and terror organizations is a crime. This follows reports that individuals hired by these outlets have troubling ties to Hamas.”

Attorneys general in 14 states put the press on notice: Quit hiring terrorists as photo journalists because it is against the law.

Republican Attorney General Brenna Bird of Iowa wrote the letter, which was signed by attorneys general in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia.

Honest Reporting reported a month ago, “On October 7, Hamas terrorists were not the only ones who documented the war crimes they had committed during their deadly rampage across southern Israel. Some of their atrocities were captured by Gaza-based photojournalists working for the Associated Press and Reuters news agencies whose early morning presence at the breached border area raises serious ethical questions.

“What were they doing there so early on what would ordinarily have been a quiet Saturday morning? Was it coordinated with Hamas? Did the respectable wire services, which published their photos, approve of their presence inside enemy territory, together with the terrorist infiltrators? Did the photojournalists who freelance for other media, like CNN and the New York Times, notify these outlets? Judging from the pictures of lynching, kidnapping and storming of an Israeli kibbutz, it seems like the border has been breached not only physically, but also journalistically.

“Four names appear on AP’s photo credits from the Israel-Gaza border area on October 7: Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali.

“Eslaiah, a freelancer who also works for CNN, crossed into Israel, took photos of a burning Israeli tank, and then captured infiltrators entering Kibbutz Kfar Azza.”

Those were not news photos. Those were souvenirs. The terrorists documented their war crimes and AP and the rest paid for a few of them.

Read the whole thing.