THINGS IN LEBANON CONTINUE TO UNFOLD, and as I’ve been too busy to blog in real time, I’ve tried to think about what it means.

After the excitement of the Cedar Revolution, this is depressing, of course. But it’s interesting to see that many Lebanese are angry at Hezbollah, and of course getting Syrian influence out of Lebanon was one of the main points of the Cedar Revolution, and something that was only partially accomplished. The Israelis may finish what the Lebanese started, and that would be a good thing.

Looking at the many countries who are, for a change, siding with Israel here I’m beginning to think that what’s unfolding now is something that was prepared for, as part of the next stage in the war on terror — isolating terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah and punishing their patrons like Syria and Iran. If I’m right, that will be very good for the Lebanese, and, eventually, for pretty much everyone in the Mideast except jihadist loonies and their backers. I hope that’s true, anyway.