AN IMPERIAL JUDICIARY IS ALWAYS A LEFTIST PROJECT: A Dark Day for British Democracy. “This is a dark day for British democracy. Five people you’ve probably never heard of, and definitely never voted for, have ruled in their infinite wisdom that the UK government is forbidden from enacting the Rwanda policy to deal with illegal immigration. So the desires of ministers voted into power by us do not matter. The beliefs of the public, growing numbers of whom back the Rwanda policy, do not matter. The hard-fought-for principle that policy should be decided by the elected, not by princes, priests or posh men and women in wigs, does not matter. All that matters, it seems, is the feeling and opinion of a few judges. That overrides everything. This is an act of judicial tyranny.”

The whole point of leftism is enacting policies that most people don’t want. Forcing those policies down their throat is the payoff. The policies themselves barely matter.