THIS IS THE REAL MIKE JOHNSON: Wow, can you believe this – Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has in the past endorsed a proposal whereby the people of the United States — you know, THE sovereign power, aka “We the People” — would do in 2023 what we did way back in 1784.

That is, call a convention of delegates representing each of the states to consider amendments to the present Constitution and recommend any the majority of them think should be submitted to the states for possible ratification. I mean, the horror of such a thing, the ultimate illustration of republican democracy in action! OMG, they could repeal the EPA, stop the government from borrowing more trillions of dollars, even limit how long anybody can serve in Congress!

Clearly, Politico thinks Johnson should be thrown out, not just of the Speakership, but also out of the House of Representatives and indeed out of American public life because he is obviously a mortal threat to our existing — i.e. Progressive — order.