EMPTY SUIT: Mitt Romney Admits He Didn’t Know Anything About Burisma During Trump’s Ukraine Impeachment.

When Joe Biden was vice president and in charge of looking into Ukrainian corruption, his son and his son’s business partner took extremely lucrative board positions with Burisma, a Ukrainian energy concern that was fighting off corruption investigations. The whole arrangement reeked to high heaven, and Trump was impeached for asking about Burisma in a phone call with Zelensky.

What happens next in the book is a shocking admission of profound ignorance from the senator, particularly considering his disdain for his Republican colleagues who did not fall for the impeachment. Romney admits to Hannity that even though he’s been signaling his support of the Democrat impeachment efforts, he actually has no idea what Burisma is. “How do you not know what Burisma is?” Hannity reportedly asks.

The next paragraph is Romney insulting Hannity, calling him jealous and stupid. Let’s observe here that Romney’s stated reason for not liking Trump is personal. He tells Coppins he is quite supportive of the conservative agenda advanced by Trump, but that he doesn’t like Trump because the former president is boorish and insults other people. It is absolutely true that Trump insults people he feels have betrayed him or who otherwise don’t support him. It is unclear why Romney, who has just used a friendly reporter to overload a book with similar insults, is so bothered by Trump doing it in a less passive-aggressive fashion than Romney does.

In any case, learning that Romney didn’t even know what Burisma was in the middle of the impeachment about Burisma that he voted for is not terribly surprising. But proud ignorance is not a virtue, and it’s certainly not principled.

He’s the kind of man who would put ketchup on wild-caught salmon. While calling Trump boorish.