ED MORRISSEY: “Ann Coulter, meet Ted Rall.”

Hugh Hewitt: “Ann Coulter owes an apology to the widows of 9/11, and she should issue it immediately. This is beyond callous, beyond any notion of decency. It is disgusting.”

My general strategy these days is to ignore Coulter (Ted Rall, too), and if everyone did that things would be better. But yes, this deserves to be condemned. Of course, she’s managed to troll Hillary into condemning her, probably assuring a bestseller slot.

Don’t feed the trolls.

UPDATE: Much more from The Anchoress.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Yeah, yeah, I post this and then there’s a big ad for Coulter’s book over to the right. That’s just proof of the strict separation between advertising and content here at InstaPundit!