WELL, THERE YOU ARE: Hunter Biden cheated on his sister-in-law with hookers funded by his daughter’s college fund. “According to the Mail, Hunter Biden withdrew $20,000 in December of 2018 from his daughter’s college fund to pay for hookers and drugs. The kicker here is not just that Hunter Biden was cheating on his current girlfriend, his sister-in-law Hallie, or that he was prioritizing prostitutes and crack over paying child support for his illegitimate daughter Navy Joan, who was born just a few months prior. It is that the Biden family funds were fungible enough that Hunter Biden was allowed to siphon off five figures from a 529 account belonging to someone else and that he reportedly still has not paid the requisite taxes on it, a full five years later. Even before we had the wire transfer clearly showing Joe Biden, in Delaware, as the beneficiary of Chinese cash scored by Hunter Biden, who was living in California at the time, we had countless pieces of proof, including Hunter’s email claiming as much, that proved Biden family cash, like wives, were essentially communal. Now we have the literal receipts.”
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