GIVE ‘EM THE GENERAL SHERMAN TREATMENT: “The Palestinians who invaded Israel have focused on kidnapping civilians, mostly young women. This was facilitated by the fact that there was a ‘rave for peace’ going on near Gaza that many young people attended. The Palestinians no doubt knew this, and planned to attack the event. They took a number of young women captive there. This video has been seen millions of times. There is a naked young woman in the back of a truck, murdered (and God knows what else) by the Palestinians. The Arabs in the truck are yelling ‘Allahu Akbar!’ ‘God is great!’ Terrific religion they’ve got there. What is notable, I think, is the jubilant reaction of the crowd. Note the boy who spits on the woman’s corpse. The idea that what is happening is a ‘terrorist attack’ by “Hamas” is a fiction. Hamas is a political entity that rules Gaza with the support of the overwhelming majority of the Palestinians who live there. It is much like Nazi Germany–most Germans were not members of the party, but the vast majority supported Hitler until it was clear that Germany was losing the war. Same thing here, except that until now, it hasn’t been clear that Hamas was losing. Hamas appears to command the loyalty of nearly all of Gaza’s residents.”

In other circumstances I would think this was just an effort to provoke, but in this case it’s just Palestinians being Palestinians. They don’t do this sort of thing because it’s in their interest, they do it because it’s in their nature. They’ll stop when it becomes too painful to continue, and not before.

And maybe that whole “rave for peace” idea wasn’t so good, and shouldn’t be repeated. Peace comes when a war ends, and wars usually end when one side loses decisively. That should be the Palestinians.