UNILATERAL? NOT US! I caught John Howard’s interview on Wolf Blitzer’s show as I was in the car, and the CNN folks were kind enough to send a transcript. This bit was quite amusing:

BLITZER: So the UN – excuse me for interrupting. The UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, said this on May 12th. He said, “I have insisted very clearly both in private and my contacts with the America administration and publicly that I think it’s important that the United States come to the table and that they should join the European countries and Iran to find a solution.”

He’s the secretary general. Do you agree with him?

HOWARD: Yes. Well, when I talk about the United Nations processes I mean the processes through the Security Council. I mean, I respect the views of the secretary general but when I talk of the process I mean the process which is now underway which involves the potential for further resolutions by the United Nations Security Council and I think that is the path at this time that ought to be followed.

Three years ago there was criticism of the United States and her allies, including Australia, for not further using the processes of the United Nations.

The view was taken then that that was not going to work. We now, in relation to Iran, have the opportunity to see how full those processes can be made to work. It’s quite a test for the United Nations and we’re very keen that that test take place.

Yes, it is quite a test for the U.N. And I can see why Bush, Blair and Howard would be “very keen” to see that test take place. And yes, Howard certainly can rub it in.