This November, I am looking forward to seeing the Republicans lose control of Congress. I would say to the Republicans, as Oliver Cromwell reportedly said to the Rump Parliament, and as Leo Amery reprised during Neville Chamberlain’s final crisis as Prime Minister, “You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately… Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”

The whole oil-company-baiting, education-centralizing, entitlement-expanding, earmark-loving lot of them can be tossed out, as far as I’m concerned. Then we can start over.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports that Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi plans to use control of Congress to launch an investigation into the Bush Administration. For those of us who have not been drinking the Kos Kool-Aid, this seems like a questionable enterprise.

Read the whole thing. I realize that you go to elections with the parties you have, but can’t I get another choice, somehow?