WELL, DUH: “Angry conservatives are driving the approval ratings of President Bush and the GOP-led Congress to dismal new lows, according to an AP-Ipsos poll that underscores why Republicans fear an Election Day massacre.”

Plus, Robert Novak reports: “Republican National Chairman Kenneth Mehlman went to Capitol Hill last Tuesday to warn the party’s House and Senate campaign staffers of dire consequences unless Republicans break the current legislative deadlock. Mehlman stressed the necessity to pass a budget resolution and an immigration reform bill, dealing with two issues that seriously concern the Republican base.”

Hugh Hewitt, meanwhile, says that all is unfolding as he has foreseen.

UPDATE: Over at Ankle Biting Pundits (permalinks not working for some reason, but at the moment it’s the top post), some skepticism about the poll’s demography, with some support. And Professor Bainbridge has related thoughts.