I’M SUPPOSED TO BE ON NBC NIGHTLY NEWS in a little while, talking about blogs and the media.

UPDATE: Well, I watched it, and I don’t want to be rude to the NBC people, who were quite pleasant. But jeez, that was a 2002 story. If you hadn’t heard of blogs before, I guess it was news. Otherwise, not so much. But I guess there’s not a lot you can do within the confines of a roughly 2 minute news story.

Ian Schwartz has the video, if you’d like to watch.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Rick Lee emails:

Well… these stories are still needed. It seems that most of the people I come in contact with either have no idea what a blog is or they are only vaguely aware but don’t read them. The word itself is very off-putting to most people. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked about blogs with somebody who struggles to get the word out and then giggles after saying it… as though they had just said “poop” or something. Blogs are still far, far from mainstream in this country.

Good point.