SUDDENLY, EVEN THE ATLANTIC has a good word for hunting and hunters. “It’s also ironic, of course, that many left-leaning Americans can be so ambivalent about some of the longest-running, most successful, and scientifically grounded government programs. The same well-meaning people with those signs in their yard that read In this house, we believe … that science is real often seem to be among those happy enough to throw the science aside when it comes to effectively managing wildlife, as in Connecticut, where the state is resisting the recommendation of its own wildlife biologists that it should authorize a bear hunt. Animal-rights activists are fighting to have louder voices on state fish-and-game commissions, minimizing the contributions of hunters as well as the input of state wildlife biologists.”
Animal-rights activists are idiots who should never be listened to.
Related: Bears, Boston, and the Gods of the Copybook Headings.