WHAT OUR FUTURE LOOKS LIKE: 20 Things That Will Happen When No One Can Afford to Live in America Anymore. “Although I haven’t been to San Francisco since COVID, one of the things I always noticed visiting there was that none of my Uber drivers in San Francisco actually LIVED within 30 minutes of San Francisco. They couldn’t afford it. When I lived in Alexandria, Virginia, and worked in DC, there was one guy who literally commuted 4 hours each way, every day, because that was the only way he could afford a decent house for his family. And guess what? Things have gotten significantly worse since then because the Fed printed so much money during COVID that it massively spiked inflation. Supposedly, the yearly target number for inflation is 2% and it reached a high of 9.1% in June of last year, but since the government has a lot of leeway in determining which products count towards the consumer price index, it’s very easy to rig the numbers – and they do. Big time. In fact, we may actually be at the beginning of the horrible economic trap people concerned about the deficit have been warning about for decades.”
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