OKAY, I WATCHED THE CHENEY VIDEO and I didn’t notice any loud boos. But then, the AP has a history of reporting booing that doesn’t show up in the recordings.

UPDATE: Reader Ashby Beal writes:

I was there. I’m not a big fan of the man, but I thought he deserved some applause in his capacity as VPOTUS. In any event, there was a lot of booing throughout his appearance. And it was very noticeable.

And Chris Newbury writes:

I saw (and heard) video on two of the DC local newscasts this morning. There were definitely audible boos but there was also some applause. I think it’s fair to say the boos were more evident in the clips I heard, though. The AP’s headline may be a little overdramatic, but the description in the first paragraph of the wire story seemed accurate to me. I think the reaction to the VP’s presence can be best discribed as mixed.

On the other hand, Matt Gildart was there, and reports:

It was probably hard for the AP reporters to hear the rest of the stadium over the chrous of boos emanating from the press box.

So there you are.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader William Girardot finds the real scandal:

I was more amazed by the lack of spectators for the Nationals’ opening day festivities… check out the empty seats in the background of Cheney’s photo… that is unheard of here in Detroit for the Tigers. Shame on D.C.! Shame!!!

I hadn’t noticed that.

Also, Gildart emails that he wasn’t actually there, as I had thought from his earlier email.