VARIOUS PEOPLE have been emailing and asking for pictures of the UT Campus this spring. Alas, I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had much time. But I did manage to take a stroll around campus yesterday with a camera, so here are a few pics.

I’ll try to do better as the spring goes on. I had a kind of rough year in 2004-05 and had planned for this academic year to be a take-it-easy year. Instead, I wound up writing a book and several law review articles, and doing assorted other stuff. Not bad, but it’s probably about as busy as I’ve ever been.

That’s okay — I like the work I’ve done, though I could do without the family medical problems. But you can’t operate in “surge” mode every year. You’ve got to pace yourself.

Now, next year I plan to take it easier. No, really, I do.


No, really.

The Law School Patio

Alongside Strong Hall

Henson Hall

Student Center

Hesler Biology Building