JOHN LUCAS: “To Win Our Nation’s Wars”? Lions Led by Donkeys.

The 248-year-old institution that this country depends upon to fight and win our wars has lost its focus, which is, “to win our nation’s wars.” Preparing to do that is one of the most complex tasks on earth. There is no profession more complex, more dangerous, or more crucial to the country’s survival than the United States Army. But its focus on “woke” social solutions has diluted the necessary focus on that duty.

The Army has thousands of magnificent and highly skilled officers and enlisted men and women who perform continuously at the highest levels. Yet, as German General Erwin Rommel said of the British after he captured Tobruk, they are “lions commanded by donkeys.” Today’s donkeys are officers and civilians in the highest levels of the current administration, up to and including the Commander in Chief, Joseph R. Biden and a Secretary of the Army who wants to reduce recruiting from families with a tradition of service because she fears a “warrior caste.” Donkeys indeed. And they set the tone for all their subordinates in the Army. . . .

And make no mistake about it. The faceless officers who approved this article and the photos on the Army’s official web site did so because they know it is consistent with the wishes and intent of Joe Biden and the other donkeys running him.

He’s right, you know. (Bumped).