WELL, YES. ON THE RARE OCCASIONS WHEN SHE MAKES A COHERENT STATEMENT, IT’S GENERALLY A LIE. Black professor debunks Harris claim that Florida promotes benefit of slavery.

Related: Dr. William Allen exquisitely ripped Kamala a new one last night.

His name? Dr. William Allen, and, among his myriad other distinguished accomplishments, he was a member of the National Council on the Humanities from 1984 to 1987 and chairman of the United States Commission on Civil Rights from 1988 to 1989. How lucky was Florida to be able to have him work on this immensely important project?

He’s also a black conservative. You can hear the gnashing of race-baiting teeth from your chairs.

A major network news organization finally went in search of Dr. Allen, and interviewed him Saturday night. ABC News was apparently so perturbed by his comments regarding the Vice President’s assertions re: FL curriculum, that they didn’t have the moral courage to air the entire interview. They provided a mere snippet of his rebuttal.

Well, The Narrative must be maintained. It’s not as if the network news is there to tell people the truth about the world.
