VARIOUS PEOPLE HAVE EMAILED asking for more pictures from campus. I’ve been pretty lame on the photography front lately, as a result of book-related stuff. But I’ll try to do better, and I actually got a new digital camera, a Sony DSC-W7, and decided to try it out while I was on campus Sunday. (After much use and abuse, the faceplate came off my old Sony pocket camera, and though I managed to get it back on, I no longer feel that I can rely on it so it’s been demoted to the glove-compartment camera.) The A/C was out in my office, so I went over to the Main Library to work and took the opportunity to wander around and take a few pictures.
Above is “Hopecote,” a cottage where the University puts up visiting dignitaries, holds receptions, etc. Below is a flower from the tree in front — spring is finally setting in.
Students were wandering around in shorts looking happy that it was warm. (And I don’t mean the 39 degrees that passes for “warm” at Wisconsin!)
And somebody was moving: And doing it pretty seriously, too!
That’s getting the most out of your U-Haul. I’ll have more of these as the semester continues, no doubt.