THE FULL-LENGTH TECHNOLOGY REVIEW PIECE on biowar and bioterrorism is up now. You can read it here.

UPDATE: Dale Amon phoned from Belfast with a worrying thought. He notes this passage from the article:

Popov then described a Soviet strategy for hiding deadly viral genes inside some milder bacterium’s genome, so that medical treatment of a victim’s initial symptoms from one microbe would trigger a second microbe’s growth. “The first symptom could be plague, and a victim’s fever would get treated with something as simple as tetracycline. That tetracycline would itself be the factor inducing expression of a second set of genes, which could be a whole virus or a combination of viral genes.”

He links this with the latest Al Qaeda threat of a two-stage attack. Seems like a stretch to me, but thanks for giving me something else to worry about, Dale . . . .