GREAT MOMENTS IN BLOWBACK: Ben and Jerry’s HQ is on ‘stolen’ Native American land, Vermont chief says.

On Friday, Don Stevens — chief of the Nulhegan Band of The Coosuk Abenaki Nation, one of four tribes descended from the Abenaki that are recognized in Vermont — told The Post in an interview that he “looks forward to any kind of correspondence with the brand to see how they can better benefit Indigenous people.”

Stevens added that if the ice cream maker is “sincere,” it should reach out to him as the company’s corporate headquarters — located at 30 Community Dr. in South Burlington, Vt. — is situated on Western Abanaki land.

Ben & Jerry know what they must do next:

C’mon B&J, show us that you’re serious about returning your stolen land to its rightful owners.

And as Glenn wrote last night, the Coosuk Abenaki know what they must do next: “Go to the courthouse and file a lien, just for yuks.”