ARMY OF DAVIDS UPDATE: Today there’s a review in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Excerpt:

Reynolds’ highly informative book – a must-read if you want to have some idea of the direction things are taking – is about a lot more than the effect of blogging on Big Media. Its theme is “the triumph of personal technology over mass technology,” which is a trend Reynolds believes is only “going to strengthen over the coming decades.”. . .

Reynolds covers a lot of territory in this little book, from being able to have a state-of-the-art recording studio in your home for about $1,000 to “electronic privateering” in the war on terror, to video games’ potential as teaching devices (likely to discombobulate teachers the way blogs have journalists). Reynolds knows how to pack a lot of information into a relatively small space and provides clear and concise explanations of such things as “horizontal knowledge” – “communication among individuals who may not know each other, but who are loosely coordinated by their involvement in something, or someone, of mutual interest.”

As a professed “transhumanist,” Reynolds waxes enthusiastic on nanotechnology, planetary colonization, and “Scientifically Engineered Negligible Senescence.” But, like Ray Kurzweil – author of The Singularity Is Near, last year’s big futurist book – Reynolds is well aware of the dangers that technological change can pose and favors taking reasonable steps to prevent such things as a terrorist-generated plague from happening.

There’s an accompanying podcast interview, too.

UPDATE: And here’s another blog review.