Why can’t I get a copy yet?

Its official publication date is March 7. Some people are writing about it, but they’re either people who got advance copies from the publisher, or who bought copies (or had friends buy them) at my Washington, DC book-signing last week. Otherwise, it’s not out yet — I just got my author’s copies yesterday.

Should I ask for it at bookstores?

Sure! It can’t hurt. Ordering it from Amazon or is fine (and preorders are actually advantageous), but brick-and-mortar sales are good, too.

How do I get it autographed?

As several readers suggested in response to an earlier post, I’ll be putting up an address where you can send a stamped, self-addressed envelope; I’ll return an autographed bookplate. It’s much easier than sending the entire book. I’ll even put what you want in the autograph, pretty much, so long as it’s not something like “To my master, Satan” — I’ve already promised that one to Frank J.

Why should I buy your book?

Aside from the obvious reason — to make me money — I think it offers an interesting and coherent take on what’s going on in the world. It’s true that if you read this blog and my other stuff, you’ve already been exposed to that in a way, but it comes across rather differently in book form than in disconnected bits here and there, which is how it comes across on the blog, etc. In fact, when I was writing the book I was surprised at how coherent it became, and how many disconnected bits turned out to fit together. I hope you’ll think so, too. In the meantime, you can read what these folks have to say.